My Life And The Mansion
After all these years, I can still remember the first time that I really took notice of
The Belcher Mansion.
I was 12 years old, mowing the lawn at the First Baptist Church, and looking across the street at the Henry Belcher Mansion.
Of course, back then as an early teen, I simply knew it as "The Mansion." Actually, it looked like a castle to
I would imagine the people who lived there, and what their lives must have been like. I figured that they
were famous. I also concluded that they obviously had to have been rich! Who else could afford to live
in a mansion... a castle!
I loved the building then, I loved it growing up, and I love it now. It was always a dream to own this property.
In 2004, after an extended negotiation of years, this dream came true.
Owning... or better yet being a "trustee" of this historical property... has been a labor of love. Belcher Mansion
is a magnificent property; an architectural masterpiece, one with lasting and increasing value,
The Belcher Mansion is a property that could not be replicated today; at least not for under $3 or $4 million
dollars; the architecture, the masonry, the materials, the marble fireplaces, the delicate hand-carved mahogany woodwork,
the stained glass windows, the craftmanship; all a timeless work of art.
For me "The Mansion" gave new meaning to the term "Pride of Ownership."
Michael S. Trabulsie
MST Properties, Inc.